Autoimmune Disease and Ozone Therapy

Ozone therapy- A not so secret weapon in the fight against autoimmune disorders, antibiotic resistant diseases, and health deterioration.

Discovered in the early 1950’s ozone was first used to treat infected wounds in soldiers. It has since been found to relieve pain, kill viruses, and is a powerful detox agent . Recent research shows that ozone therapy can be effective in the treatment of heart disease, circulatory disorders, chronic diseases such as aids, hepatitis, & lyme, herniated disks, infectious diseases, chronic pain, cancer, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, tooth decay and so much more.

Even though there is great deal of research and evidence to support the treatment benefits of ozone sadly main stream medicine has mostly ignored it, instead choosing antibiotics as the first line of defense. We are beginning to see the detrimental effects that overuse of antibiotics is having on our health and the health of the animals that we consume from our industrial meat and dairy industries. We are reaching a point where antibiotics will no longer be effective in the treatment of so many diseases. It is time we begin to look at other options for how we are going to solve these ever growing health concerns.

Ozone therapy is currently being used by 40,000 physicians and dentists in over 50 countries. It is a safe and effective treatment for a wide variety of diseases and ailments. Ozone therapy is a type of oxygen therapy in that it harnesses the healing power of oxygen in order to improve cellular function thus improving whole body function. Ozone is a remarkable antiseptic and is used in over 600 cities in the US as a safe water purification system, providing a healthy alternative to chlorine.

Wait—Isn’t Ozone Dangerous?

Yes, and no. It really depends on how much you’re exposed to and what it’s allowed to mix with.

There are two types of Ozone, medical and atmospheric. At ground level, atmospheric ozone reacts with natural and industrial emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxide (NOx) in the presence of heat and sunlight, these reactive products are unhealthy to breathe. It is not the ozone that’s hard on the lungs, but the toxic agents that form in these reactions.

Medical ozone is different from atmospheric ozone. It is generated in a machine and delivered in a sterile form from tubing and materials that are non reactive. The good news is no matter which type of ozone you are exposed to you have a natural mechanism to alert you that you’re breathing in too much ozone—it’s called coughing. You will cough long before any damage occurs to your lungs.

Ozone is similar to exercise, hyperbaric treatments, and vitamin C therapy in that it delivers a certain amount of oxidative stress which activates the bodies natural internal antioxidant system. Just like your muscles get stronger when put under the stress of exercise your immune system will strengthen when exposed to oxidative stress.

Ozone therapy has been shown to stimulate the enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), and telomerase which keeps your DNA young, healthy and functioning optimally.

The reality is that therapeutic ozone has an excellent safety record and no toxic effects have been observed from proper clinical use. In fact, experienced practitioners report that ozone is much safer than prescription drugs. Side effects seldom occur with ozone therapy, but patients occasionally report slight weakness, dizziness or sleepiness that lasts for a short time during or after the treatment. Allergic skin reactions (like nettle rash) are possible with local applications of ozone, although these occurrences are rare, mild and quick to resolve. Where infections are involved, there is always the possibility of a die-off reaction (Herxheimer reaction), although some experts report less herxing with ozone than with other anti-infective agents.

As with all treatment methods there are some contraindications. In low concentrations, ozone has a moderate hypo-coagulation effect, so drugs that decrease blood coagulation (anticoagulants, aspirin, etc.) should be discontinued during the course of ozone therapy. Ozone is probably not the best modality for those with blood coagulation failure, thrombocytopenia, or hemorrhagic or apoplectic stroke.

The list of benefits that ozone therapy can provide has grown considerably over the year to include:

1.Increases circulation

2.Improves uptake and utilization of oxygen and activation of oxygen-dependent processes; maximizes oxidative and anti-oxidative processes; increases mitochondrial respiration and generates greater cellular energy

3.Powerful detoxification is a primary function of ozone; removal of toxins (petrochemicals included) that impair cellular respiration, energy production and nutrient absorption; stimulates metabolic processes in the liver and kidneys

4.Increases efficiency of the body’s antioxidant enzyme system

5.Immune system modulation; increases production of white blood cells, interferon, and interleukin-2; activates cellular and humoral immunity, corrects autoimmune processes

6.Fast acting anti-inflammatory: oxidizes compounds that drive the inflammatory process, regulates metabolic reactions and improves pH

7.Analgesia: oxidizes the agents that irritate nerve endings in damaged tissue, thereby mitigating the pain response

8.Anti-microbial (antibacterial, antiviral, anti-fungal); kills bacteria by rupturing their cell membranes

9.Anti-cancer: stimulates production of tumor necrosis factor

10.Anti-aging effects (increased production of telomerase)

As with most therapeutic approaches ozone is not a magic bullet, but yet a very effective tool in your toolbox of health. Ozone therapy is most effective when combined with other detox methods and healthy lifestyle choices.


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